A first analysis of the effect of local and global optimization weights methods in the cooperative-competitive design of RBFN for imbalanced environments

TitleA first analysis of the effect of local and global optimization weights methods in the cooperative-competitive design of RBFN for imbalanced environments
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsPérez-Godoy, M.D., Rivera-Rivas A.J., del Jesus M. J., and Martínez Francisco
Conference NameThe 2013 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
Date PublishedAug
KeywordsAccuracy, Algorithm design and analysis, algorithm-based approach, CO2RBFN, cooperative-competitive design method for radial basis function networks, data-based approach, global optimization weights methods, global optimizer training algorithm, imbalanced data sets, learning (artificial intelligence), Least squares approximations, local optimization weights methods, Neurons, optimisation, radial basis function networks, Sociology, Training, training weights algorithms

Many real applications are composed of data sets where the distribution of the classes is significantly different. These data sets are commonly known as imbalanced data sets. Proposed approaches that address this problem can be categorized into two types: data-based, which resample problem data in a preprocessing phase and algorithm-based which modify or create new methods to address the imbalance problem. In this paper, CO2 RBFN a cooperative-competitive design method for Radial Basis Function Networks that has previously demonstrated a good behaviour tackling imbalanced data sets, is tested using two different training weights algorithms, local and global, in order to gain knowledge about this problem. As conclusions we can outline that a more global optimizer training algorithm obtains worse results.
