A Minimum-Risk Genetic Fuzzy Classifier Based on Low Quality Data

TitleA Minimum-Risk Genetic Fuzzy Classifier Based on Low Quality Data
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsPalacios, Ana M., Sánchez Luciano, and Couso Inés
EditorCorchado, Emilio, Wu Xindong, Oja Erkki, Herrero Álvaro, and Baruque Bruno
Conference NameHybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems
PublisherSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
Conference LocationBerlin, Heidelberg
ISBN Number978-3-642-02319-4

Minimum risk classification problems use a matrix of weights for defining the cost of misclassifying an object. In this paper we extend a simple genetic fuzzy system (GFS) to this case. In addition, our method is able to learn minimum risk fuzzy rules from low quality data. We include a comprehensive description of the new algorithm and discuss some issues about its fuzzy-valued fitness function. A synthetic problem, plus two real-world datasets, are used to evaluate our proposal.