

Otero, J. ., Suárez, R. ., & Sánchez, L. . (2014). Mutual Information-Based Feature Selection in Fuzzy Databases Applied to Searching for the Best Code Metrics in Automatic Grading (M. . Polycarpou, A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho, J.-S. . Pan, M. . Woźniak, H. . Quintián, & E. . Corchado, Eds.). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Carmona del Jesus, C. J. ., González García, P. ., del Jesus, M. J. ., & Herrera Triguero, F. . (2014). Overview on evolutionary subgroup discovery: analysis of the suitability and potential of the search performed by evolutionary algorithms. WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 4, 87-103.


Rivera Rivas, A. J. ., Espinilla, M. ., Fernández Hilario, A. L. . ., López, J. S., & Charte Ojeda, F. . (2014). Propuesta de una asignatura de Diseño de Servidores para la especialidad de Tecnologías de Información. Enseñanza Y Aprendizaje De ingeniería De Computadores. Revista De Experiencias Docentes En ingeniería De Computadores, 4, 15-24.


Otero, J. ., Suárez, M. D. R., Palacios, A. M., Couso, I. ., & Sánchez, L. . (2014). Selecting the Most Informative Inputs in Modelling Problems with Vague Data Applied to the Search of Informative Code Metrics for Continuous Assessment in Computer Science Online Courses (C. . Cornelis, M. . Kryszkiewicz, D. . Ślȩzak, E. M. Ruiz, R. . Bello, & L. . Shang, Eds.). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Parras Gutiérrez, E. . ., Rivas, V. M., Arenas, M. ., & del Jesus, M. J. . (2014). Short, medium and long term forecasting of time series using the L-Co-R algorithm. Neurocomputing, 128, 433-446.


Palacios, A. M., & Sánchez, L. . (2014). Supervising classrooms comprising children with dyslexia and other learning problems with graphical exploratory analysis for fuzzy data: Presentation of the software tool and case study. 2133-2140. (Original work published)
Couso, I. ., Garrido, L. ., & Sánchez, L. . (2014). The notion of roughness of a fuzzy set. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 249, 114-127.

Theme: Automata Theory and Algebra

Pérez Godoy, M. D. . ., Rivera Rivas, A. J. ., Carmona del Jesus, C. J. ., & del Jesus, M. J. . (2014). Training algorithms for Radial Basis Function Networks to tackle learning processes with imbalanced data-sets. Applied Soft Computing, 25, 26-39.



Pérez Godoy, M. D. . ., Rivera Rivas, A. J. ., del Jesus, M. J. ., & Martínez, F. . (2013). A first analysis of the effect of local and global optimization weights methods in the cooperative-competitive design of RBFN for imbalanced environments. 1-8. (Original work published 2024)
Charte Ojeda, F. ., Rivera Rivas, A. J. ., del Jesus, M. J. ., & Herrera Triguero, F. . (2013). A First Approach to Deal with Imbalance in Multi-label Datasets. 150-160. Salamanca (Spain). (Original work published)


Cordón García, Óscar ., Sánchez, L. ., Quirin, A. ., & Trawinski, K. . (2013). A Genetic Fuzzy Linguistic Combination Method for Fuzzy Rule-based Multiclassifiers Revista: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 21, 950-965. (Original work published)
López, V. ., Fernández, A. ., del Jesus, M. J. ., & Herrera Triguero, F. . (2013). A hierarchical genetic fuzzy system based on genetic programming for addressing classification with highly imbalanced and borderline data-sets. Knowledge-Based Systems, 38, 85-104.

Special Issue on "Advances in Fuzzy Knowledge Systems: Theory and Application"

Sánchez, L. ., Couso, I. ., Palacios, A. M., & Palacios, J. L. (2013). A methodology for exploiting the tolerance for imprecision in genetic fuzzy systems and its application to characterization of rotorblade leading edge materials. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 37, 76-91. (Original work published)
Rivera Rivas, A. J. ., García-Domingo, B. ., del Jesus, M. J. ., & García, J. J. . A. (2013). A Performance Study of Concentrating Photovoltaic Modules Using Neural Networks: An Application with CO2RBFN (V. . Snášel, A. . Abraham, & E. S. Corchado, Eds.). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Charte Ojeda, F. ., Rivera Rivas, A. J. ., Pérez Godoy, M. D. . ., & del Jesus, M. J. . (2013). Alternative OVA Proposals for Cooperative Competitive RBFN Design in Classification Tasks. 331-338. Tenerife (Spain).


Carmona del Jesus, C. J. ., González García, P. ., García-Domingo, B. ., del Jesus, M. J. ., & García, J. J. . A. (2013). An evolutionary fuzzy system for the detection of exceptions in subgroup discovery. 74-79. Edmonton (Canada). (Original work published 2024)


Carmona del Jesus, C. J. ., Chrysostomou, C. ., Seker, H. ., & del Jesus, M. J. . (2013). Análisis del virus de la gripe A mediante descubrimientos de subgrupos difusos. 1313-1322. Madrid (Spain). (Original work published 2024)


Fernández, A. ., López, V. ., Galar, M. ., del Jesus, M. J. ., Herrera Triguero, F. ., & BV, E. S. (2013). Analysing the classification of imbalanced data-sets with multiple classes: Binarization techniques and ad-hoc approaches. Knowledge-Based Systems, 42, 97-110.
Cano De Amo, J. R. . . (2013). Analysis of data complexity measures for classification. Expert Systems With Applications, 40, 4820-4831.
Carmona del Jesus, C. J. ., & del Jesus, M. J. . (2013). Applying Subgroup Discovery Based on Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems for Web Usage Mining in E-Commerce: A Case Study on (F. . Sun, T. . Li, & H. . Li, Eds.). Foundations and Applications of Intelligent Systems.


Rivas, A. R., García-Domingo, B. ., del Jesus, M. J. ., & García, J. J. . A. (2013). Characterization of Concentrating Photovoltaic modules by cooperative competitive Radial Basis Function Networks. Expert Systems With Applications, 40, 1599-1608. (Original work published)
Palacios, A. M., Sánchez, L. ., & Couso, I. . (2013). CI-LQD: A software tool for modeling and decision making with Low Quality Data. 1-8. (Original work published 2024)
Martínez, A. ., Sánchez, L. ., & Couso, I. . (2013). Engine Health Monitoring for engine fleets using fuzzy radviz. 1-8. (Original work published 2024)
Carmona del Jesus, C. J. ., Chrysostomou, C. ., Seker, H. ., & del Jesus, M. J. . (2013). Fuzzy Rules for Describing Subgroups from Influenza A Virus Using a Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm. Applied Soft Computing, 13, 3439-3448.


Carmona del Jesus, C. J. ., González García, P. ., García-Domingo, B. ., del Jesus, M. J. ., & García, J. J. . A. (2013). MEFES: An evolutionary proposal for the detection of exceptions in subgroup discovery. An application to Concentrating Photovoltaic Technology. Knowledge-Based Systems, 54, 73-85.


Trawinski, K. ., Cordón García, Óscar ., Quirin, A. ., & Sánchez, L. . (2013). Multiobjective genetic classifier selection for random oracles fuzzy rule-based classifier ensembles: How beneficial is the additional diversity?. Knowledge-Based Systems, 54, 3-21.
Gacto, M. J., Galende, M. ., Alcalá, R. ., & Herrera Triguero, F. . (2013). Obtaining accurate TSK Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems by Multi-Objective Evolutionary Learning in high-dimensional regression problems. 1-7. (Original work published 2013)

TIN2011-28488, DPI2009-14410-C02-02,P10-TIC-6858

Rivas, V. M., Parras Gutiérrez, E. . ., Arenas, M. ., Castillo, P. ., Garcia-Sanchez, P. ., Merelo, J. J., & Garcia-Fernandez, P. . (2013). Predicción de tráfico mediante co-evolución de Redes Neuronales de Funciones de Base Radial y selección de variables de entrada. 782-791. Madrid (Spain).

TIC-3903,P08-TIC-3928,CEI2013-P-14,TIN2011-28627-C04-02,SIPEsCa del Programa Operativo FEDER de Andaluc{ía 2007-2013

Couso, I. ., Garrido, L. ., & Sánchez, L. . (2013). Similarity and dissimilarity measures between fuzzy sets: A formal relational study. Inf. Sci., 229, 122-141.
Parras Gutiérrez, E. . ., Rivas, V. M., & Merelo, J. J. (2013). The L-Co-R Co-evolutionary Algorithm: A Comparative Analysis in Medium-term Time-series Forecasting Problems. 144-151. Vilamoura, Algarve (Portugal).

TIC-3928,TIC-03903,TIN2012-33856,TIN2011-28627-C04-02,SIPEsCa Programa Operativo FEDER de Andaluc{ía 2007- 2013

Carmona del Jesus, C. J. ., González García, P. ., & del Jesus, M. J. . (2013). Un sistema difuso evolutivo para la detección de excepciones en descubrimiento de subgrupos. 1220-1229. Madrid (Spain). (Original work published 2024)


Carmona del Jesus, C. J. ., del Jesus, M. J. ., & García López, S. . (2013). Descubrimiento de subgrupos aplicado al portal de comercio electrónico: (pp. 1-16). Jaén: Departamento de Informática, Universidad de Jaén.


Gacto, M. J., Alcalá, R. ., & Herrera Triguero, F. . (2012). A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for an Effective Tuning of Fuzzy Logic Controllers in Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems. Applied Intelligence, 36, 330-347.
Carmona del Jesus, C. J. ., Luengo, J. ., González García, P. ., & del Jesus, M. J. . (2012). A preliminary study on missing data imputation in evolutionary fuzzy systems of subgroup discovery. 1-7. Brisbane (Australia). (Original work published 2024)


García López, S. ., López, V. ., Luengo, J. ., Carmona del Jesus, C. J. ., & Herrera Triguero, F. . (2012). A Preliminary Study on Selecting the Optimal Cut Points in Discretization by Evolutionary Algorithms. 211-216. Villamoura - (Portugal). (Original work published 2024)


Galar, M. ., Fernández Hilario, A. L. . ., Barrenechea, E. ., Bustince, H. ., & Herrera Triguero, F. . (2012). A Review on Ensembles for Class Imbalance Problem: Bagging, Boosting and Hybrid Based Approaches. IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics - Part C: Applications and Reviews, 42, 463-484.
Carmona del Jesus, C. J. ., González García, P. ., Gacto, M. J., & del Jesus, M. J. . (2012). Ajuste genético lateral de las etiquetas lingüísticas en descubrimiento de subgrupos. 271-276. Valladolid (Spain). (Original work published 2024)


Carmona del Jesus, C. J. ., Luengo, J. ., González García, P. ., & del Jesus, M. J. . (2012). An analysis on the use of pre-processing methods in evolutionary fuzzy systems for subgroup discovery. Expert Systems With Applications, 39, 11404-11412.


Gacto, M. J., Alcalá, R. ., & Herrera Triguero, F. . (2012). Aprendizaje Evolutivo De Sistemas Aproximativos De Tipo TSK Para Problemas De Alta Dimensionalidad. 295-300. Valladolid (Spain). (Original work published 2024)
Chávez, F. ., Fernández Hilario, A. L. . ., Gacto, M. J., & Alcalá, R. . (2012). Automatic Laser Pointer Detection Algorithm for Environment Control Device Systems Based on Template Matching and Genetic Tuning of Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 5, 368-386.
Parras Gutiérrez, E. . ., García-Arenas, M. ., Rivas, V. M., & del Jesus, M. J. . (2012). Coevolution of lags and RBFNs for time series forecasting: L-Co-R algorithm. Soft Computing, 16, 919-942.
Palacios, A. M., Sánchez, L. ., & Couso, I. . (2012). COMBINING ADABOOST WITH PREPROCESSING ALGORITHMS FOR EXTRACTING FUZZY RULES FROM LOW QUALITY DATA IN POSSIBLY IMBALANCED PROBLEMS. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 20, 51-71.
Palacios, A. M., Palacios, J. L., & Sánchez, L. . (2012). Eliciting a human understandable model of ice adhesion strength for rotor blade leading edge materials from uncertain experimental data. Expert Systems With Applications, 39, 10212-10225.
García López, S. ., Derrac, J. ., Triguero, I. ., Carmona del Jesus, C. J. ., & Herrera Triguero, F. . (2012). Evolutionary-Based Selection of Generalized Instances for Imbalanced Classification. Knowledge-Based Systems, 25, 3-12.


Villar, P. ., Fernández Hilario, A. L. . ., Carrasco, R. ., & Herrera Triguero, F. . (2012). Feature Selection and Granularity Learning in Genetic Fuzzy Rule-Based Classication Systems for Highly Imbalanced Data-Sets. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 20, 369-397.
Carmona del Jesus, C. J. ., González García, P. ., Gacto, M. J., & del Jesus, M. J. . (2012). Genetic lateral tuning for subgroup discovery with fuzzy rules using the algorithm NMEEF-SD. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 5, 355-367.


Carmona del Jesus, C. J. ., & Elizondo, D. . (2012). Analysing the Moodle e-learning platform through subgroup discovery algorithms based on evolutionary fuzzy systems (pp. 1-28). Leicester, United Kingdom: De Montfort University.
Lozano Márquez, M. . ., Herrera Triguero, F. ., & Cano De Amo, J. R. . . (2012). Replacement Strategies to Preserve Useful Diversity in Steady-State Genetic Algorithms. Information Sciences.
López, V. ., Fernández, A. ., del Jesus, M. J. ., & Herrera Triguero, F. . (2012). Un sistema de clasificación basado en reglas difusas jerárquico con programación genética para problemas de clasificación altamente no balanceados. Presentado en. (Original work published)
del Jesus, M. J. ., & De La Casa-Higueras, J. . (2012). Universol Project. Final Results. Presentado en. Hamburgo, Alemania. (Original work published)